In Arduis Fidelis Lodge




In Arduis Fidelis Lodge no 3432 is very lucky to have been given our genealogical history (our antecedents and Daughter Lodges) by our past VGO W Bro Henry Miller.

In Summary this is set out below.

Initial Lodge  28   
Mother Lodge 6572312
London Irish Rifles Lodge
In Arduis Fidelis Lodge
Daughter Lodges 4298The West Lewisham Lodge 4665Amici Lodge  
Grand Daughter Lodges50338027 61956756 

THE IN ARDUIS FIDELIS LODGE no 3432 (1910-1960)

The Lodge is nearing its Centenary, and to provide a history, WBro K Rouse PGSwdB kindly provided this 50th Celebration history biography:


To cement and further the happy means of conciliating friendship among those who served in all branches of the Army Medical Corps, must have been in the minds of many members of the Corps, particularly W.Bro Captain A.R. Owst, F.R.C.S, Master designate and W.Bro. Colonel Langford Lloyd, C.M.G., D.S.O., then Captain and Adjutant of the London School of Instruction, when they first conceived the idea of a Masonic Lodge.

Many of the preliminary meetings were held at 51 Calthorpe Street, W.C.1 then the headquarters of the R.A.M.C., T.F., London Units.

The Sponsor Lodge was the London Irish Rifles Lodge No. 2312 of which Colonel Langford Lloyd was a Past Master. Cordial relations have ever existed with this Lodge.


The Lodge was consecrated at Freemasons’ Hall, London W.C.2 on 3rd March 1910. The Consecration Officers were: –

V.W. Bro. Sir Edward Letchworth, F.S.A., Grand Secretary
W. Bro. Colonel C.Godson, V.D., M.D., P.G.D. as S.W.
W. Bro. Lt.-Colonel G.H.N. Bridges, P.G.Sw.B. as J.W.
V.W. Bro. The Revd J. Farrington Downes, M.A. P. Assist G. Chaplain, as Chaplain
W.Bro. J. S. Granville Grenfell, M.A., Dep. G.D.C. as D.C.
W.Bro. Maj R.J. Maitland Coffin, F.R.C.P., P.A.G.D.C. as I.G.
W.Bro. Captain A.R. Owst, F.R.C.S., P.P.J.G.D. Surrey, was duly installed as Master.
W.Bro. Major G.A. Edsell, P.P.G.S.D. Oxon Acting I.P.M.
Bro. Qr. Mr-Sgt. C.J Strong as S.W.
Bro. Acting Sgt Major J.J. Rampton as J.W.

There were twenty-seven Founders, only one of whom survives i.e. Colonel J. Wallace Kemp, also twenty privilege Founders, Brethren who, owing to service abroad were unable to be included in the original petition.


Ten initiates and eight Joining Members were proposed at the First Meeting and dispensation was granted by the M.W. Grand Master to permit all Ten Candidates to be initiated at one Meeting. They were dealt with in batches of four.

During the past fifty years, five hundred and fifteen members have passed through the Lodge. The present strength being one hundred and fifty-four.

Two Wars

In the 1914-1918 War, although difficulties arose owing to so many members being on active service, no meetings were suspended, mainly due to the valuable assistance given by W.Bro A.E. Salter, who was made an honorary member for his services and in 1919 presented with a Silver Salver recording these services.

Six Brethren of the Lodge were killed in action or died on service. To commemorate the signing of Peace and in memory to these Brethren one hundred guineas was voted in order that the Lodge should become a Founding Lodge of the Royal Masonic Hospital. A Banner was also presented by the Founders, Privilege Founders and Past Masters at the Meeting held on the 3rd February 1921 and was dedicated by W.Bro. Revd. W.P. Belsey P.G. Chaplain as a further Memory.

In the 1939-1945 was only one meeting was suspended, that for October 1939. There were no casualties.


A handsome charity column was presented by W.Bro. Colonel P.J. Gaffikin, M.C. to the Lodge on 19th March 1947 to commemorate the cessation of hostilities, which took place during his year as Master. It was specially made by W.Bro. G.M. Clark, P.M. Chillington Manor Lodge No. 4649. The Tyler’s Sword was presented by W.Bro Colonel Langford Lloyd, P.Dep.G.Sw.Br., it being that worn by his father when Colonel of the London Irish Rifles.

Royal Arch Chapter

At a Lodge Meeting on 2nd October 1919, it was proposed that a R.A. Chapter be formed and the Petition to Supreme Grand Chapter was signed in Lodge on 19th November 1919. The Chapter was consecrated in 1920.


In 1921 a Petition for a New Lodge was presented, the West Lewisham Lodge No.4298 and in 1924 the Amici Lodge No.4665 was sanctioned. Close touch has been kept with both these Lodges.


Many Masonic Honours have been conferred on Members, seven receiving Grand Rank and some twenty-five or more London Grand Rank, Provincial or District Grand Rank.


The Lodge has voted from its funds and Members have made personal contribution enabling the Lodge to be Vice-Patron of the R.M.I. Girls, R.M.I. Boys and the R.M. Benevolent Institution as well as a Founding Lodge of the Royal Masonic Hospital. An endeavour will be made later to become a Founding Lodge of the new Wakefield Wing of the Hospital.


The reputation of the Lodge is high and its financial position sound. The past we know but what the future has in store we know not, but under the Guidance of T.G.A.O.U. we look forward with steady confidence of the prosperity of our Lodge.

So Mote it be.


We had a fantastic centenary celebration (see the web page for a bit more detail). WBro Jonathan Deans LGR prepared a very detailed centenary report.


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